We currently use two tandem mass spectrometers operated in conjunction with UPLC systems and autosamplers which are dedicated to protein identification, quantitation, PTM identification and crosslinked samples. The Orbitrap Elite is dedicated to Label Free Comparative and Quantitative proteomics analysis and serves as our workhorse instrument while the newer Exploris 480 is used for isotopicly labeled and crosslinked samples.

  • Thermo Orbitrap Elite with Waters NanoAcuity UPLC
    The Orbitrap Elite is a hybrid instrument combining a linear ion trap mass analyzer with a high resolution orbitrap mass analyzer. The configuration is interfaced with Waters NanoAcquity binary pumps and autosampler. This configuration offers rapid, sensitive, highly accurate and robust technology for the identification of proteins from proteolytic digests of gel-based or solution based samples.

  • Shimadzu HPLC and Fraction Collector
    This HPLC is used primarily for reversed phase chromatographic separation and fraction collection of proteomics samples destined for Orbitrap and Exploris 480 analysis.

  • Thermo Exploris 480 - FAIMS with Thermo Easy nanoLC
    The 480 - FAIMS is equipped with an ion mobility device and uses a high resolution orbitrap mass analyzer. The instrument uses a nanoscale ionization source interfaced with the integrated Thermo EASY UHPLC pumps and autosampler. This instrument is shared with two other labs and availability can be limited at times. The instrument has better sensitivity and performance than our Orbitrap Elite and is best utilized for isotopicaly labeled and crosslinked samples.