• Our pricing is based on hours of instrument time needed to analyze your samples. Our base price is $110 per hour for Whitehead/MIT and $145 per hour for Non-Whitehead/MIT and commercial clients.
    • We've recently implemented a $20 sample preparation fee for non-standard samples where work beyond our normal gel or solution protocols is needed. This would generally be for sample lysis and/ or running gels as a method for removing SDS and/ or Triton.
  • We offer 25 and 50 percent discounts for 15 to 29 and 30 or more hours of instrument time, respectively.
  • Standard instrument runs are 60 minute, 90 minute and 120 minute lengths which we use as a basis for pricing and discounting.
  • For Comparative Proteomics applications using the Thermo Exploris 480 which can be performed on the older Thermo Orbitrap Elite there is an additional 50% surcharge.
  • While our cost model is based on Instrument Time, we reserve the right to charge a consultation fee of $100 per hour where applicable

Per Sample Cost Orbitrap Elite and Exploris 480

60 Minute Analysis Whitehead/MIT Non-Whitehead/MIT
1 to 14 samples $110 $145
15 to 29 samples $82.50 $108.75
more than 29 samples $55 $72.50
90 Minute Analysis Whitehead/MIT Non-Whitehead/MIT
1 to 9 samples $165 $217.50
10 to 19 samples $123.75 $163.12
more than 19 samples $82.50 $108.75
120 Minute Analysis Whitehead/MIT Non-Whitehead/MIT
1 to 7 samples $220 $290
8 to 14 samples $165 $217.50
more than 14 samples $110 $145