Proteins from biological samples can be identified and quantified after enzymatic digestion by chromatographic separation and tandem mass spectrometry. Simple protein identifications where a single protein is the dominant species can be done quickly with minimal instrument time. More complex samples require a longer analysis due to the larger number of proteins present. For immunoprecipitations and whole cell lysates we often employ a second dimension of chromatography where the sample undergoes chromatographic separation with fraction collection followed by conventional chromatography/ mass spectrometry of the fractions (MudPIT/ 2D-LC). This latter strategy can also be used for gels by subdividing gel lanes into multiple gel regions. The resulting mass spec data is then database searched for protein identification and can be quantified by various methods such as spectral counting, label free quantitation and isobaric tag quantitation.
Protein Identification from gel bands and solutions
The direct analysis method works best for samples not overly complex and do not have high stoichiometric amounts of immunoprecipitation protein artifacts (IgG, FLAG, IP bait proteins, etc.) present as these tend to suppress the signal of lower abundant proteins. The digestion protocol for solution based samples does not tolerate certain detergents, particularly SDS and high concentrations of Triton X100. Proteins in unfriendly buffers can be precipitated by trichloroacetic acid (TCA), as well as other precipitation methods and resuspended in appropriate buffers prior to enzymatic digestion. For sample buffers containing SDS (laemmli, CHAPS) we like to run into an SDS-PAGE gel for one centimeter, excise and digest which works well for both label free and isobaric tag strategies.
We've also employed the gel based strategy without subdividing lanes for samples containing detergents unsuitable for solution based enzymatic digestion and this works well for samples fated for isobaric labeling.
Relative quantitation of proteins in multiple biological samples is obtained using either our Orbitrap Elite or Exploris 480 systems. We can perform Label Free quantitation where samples are analyzed separately and the area from individual peptides is used to compare protein concentrations across multiple samples.
The Label Free Quantitation is the same as that described under Comparative Proteomics and is typically performed on our Orbitrap Elite.
More rigorous methods of quantitation involve isotopically labeled amino acids (SILAC) or isobaric mass tags (TMT/ iTRAQ) where samples are labeled, combined and analyzed in parallel. These methods have the advantage of multiple biological samples being analyzed simultaneously resulting in more accurate quantitation due to less experimental bias.
Amino acids modifications (phosphorylation, alkylation, ubiquitination, glycosylation) occur frequently and are of interest. We can identify many of these from the data acquired under standard mass spec acquisition parameters using both the Orbitrap Elite and Exploris 480 systems. Labile modification such as phosphorylation and larger modifications such as ubiquitination and glycoslylation tend to be more difficult to detect using our standard methods but enrichment technologies have been developed as an aid to their detection.
The information we need to look for a given modification you might be interested in is the protein sequence or accession number, amino acid that may be modified and the additional molecular weight of the modified amino acid (add weight) which we can usually provide. With this information set the software such that the amino acid of interest can have its native molecular weight or the modified molecular weight.
Global Searches for PTMs post acquisition
PTM Detection on Purified Proteins
Enrichment Strategies for Global PTM analysis
Typically we have not been providing global enrichment services for complex samples such as IPs and whole cell lysates due to FTE capital involved in validating the results and generating reports. I would be more than happy to discuss enrichment strategies further and how it relates to a project you may be contemplating.
Crosslinking proteins with different chemical linkers can provide structural information related to the three dimensional conformation of protein complexes. Crosslinked peptides present identification challenges using the standard protein identification bioinformatic tools given their non-linear structure which results in multiple N and C termini. Running the sample on the instrumentation after digestion is straightforward and doesn’t require non-standard instrument parameters. We’ve found best results from gel purified species as both provides a visual of the crosslinking efficiency as well as minimizing contaminant proteins and inefficient and partial formation crosslinked species which can complicate the data analysis.
Specialized software has been developed to meet these bioinformatic challenges and we have some modest experience with several software suits. We typically use multiple results from different software suites to increase confidence. Our current favorite is Protein Prospector (UCSF) and we have several others.
We’d be happy to discuss projects you may have in mind and would welcome the opportunity to evaluate our software tools on real samples and generally increase our expertise in this field. Please contact Eric regarding sample submission or to discuss further.